What Does CFS Mean on Instagram?

Every time we post a story on Instagram, we have to be very particular about what we are posting. This is because we have a lot of people connected to it with whom we are not very close. But thanks to the advancement of Instagram, we can now choose the people who we want to see our posts. Yes, it’s possible with the help of CFS. Want to know more about it? Come! Let us quickly understand what it is and how we can create one.

What Does CFS Mean on Instagram?

CFS is a slang which is generally used by Gen Z kids in the context of sharing the personal or secrets on Instagram. CFS means Close friend story which is only viewed by the people you have added. Isn’t it a great way of hiding your secrets from people you don’t know? 

This feature was introduced in 2018. All you have to select the people you want to send the story and a separate list will be added. Now you don’t have to create a new account to post some private pictures. It is a feature that also allows a few selected people to comment or like private stories. When you put a Close Friend Story, it generally comes with a green color circle on the feed of that person. This helps the person to know that you have added them to the close friend story. 

However, another meaning of CFS is used on Instagram posts and reels which is Comment for Share. This is one of the most common tactics used by social media influencers to increase their reach. By using this strategy, they ask to get engaged with their posts and in return ask for the same. 

Though CFS is one of the best features of Instagram, it is important to know how can you create one. Thus, the next section will help you to know the steps to create a Close Friend Story. 

How to Create a Close Friend Story?

To create a close friend story on Instagram, you must follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Open the app and tap on your profile image to get the profile page. 
  • On the profile page, tap on the 3 lines present in the right-hand corner and get the profile settings.
  • There will be multiple options on your screen. Select Close Friends and you will get a list of the users connected with you on Instagram. 
  • Tap on the circles next to the names of your friends to select them. Although there will be a suggestion list from Instagram, you can search for the person directly, if their name is not on the list. The suggestion list is based on how you interact with other users. 
  • Once the list is created, tap on the “Get Started” button to create the CFS friend list. 

Also, read What does Restrict Mean on Instagram? (Complete Guide)

How to Edit the Close Friends List?

CFS Instagram

If you have created a Close Friends List and want to edit it, the process is the same as creating one. All you have to do is go to the close friends option from the profile setting and there you will have to search for the person you want to add. When selected, tap on the done option mentioned below the list. This will change your list. 

If you want to remove someone from the Close Friends List on Instagram, that can also be done. When you click on close friends, you will see that there are tick marks next to the names of the people added to the list. Just untick the ones you want to remove from the list and you are done. Another interesting part of it is that no one will get to know if you have removed them from the list. 

How to Add a CFS?

Adding a Close Friend Story is similar to adding a normal story. I have been using this feature for a long, and I can tell you that it is one of the best features you can enjoy for privacy. Below are the steps to add a CFS:

  • Simply go to the option where you can add the normal story. Open the app and tap on the + button present at the top right corner.
  • Click story and then select the content you want to upload as a story. It can be a picture or a video, anything you want to. 
  • Once done, you will get two options at the button of your page – Your Story and Close Friends. Select Cose Friends to add a Close Friends Story.
  • Wait for a few seconds to complete the posting process. Now you are done with your close friend’s story. 

The people you have added to the list will be able to know that they are in your close friend list as there will be a green circle around your story.

What Kind of Content Must You Post as Your CFS? 

Although there is a great advantage of social media, there is still a big risk of cybercrime. Using CFS can help you keep some stories private to a few people. But what type of story can be posted on it? Below are the ideas of some stories that you might need to post as CFS only:

  • Private life updates: Just imagine you are on a trip and don’t want everyone to know about it. In such a case, you might use CFS. Maybe you are pregnant and want to tell your close friends. Having a close friend’s story can be a perfect way to tell them.
  • Some funny and embarrassing moments: Many times we had such movements that were funny for us but at the same time were embarrassing for us. Suppose, you had crashed a party, and now want to show your experience without being judged. Just use CFS and do not worry about being judged by others.
  • Sensitive information: Commonly, we do not want the stalkers to know where we are. Posting pictures about where you hang out or work on CFS can protect your personal information. 
  • Personal emotions: Sharing your emotions with the world is the biggest wrong decision you can ever make in your life. But sharing them with people who care for you can be a great help to your mind. Take your phone and post whatever you are feeling in your close friend’s story. This will not only relax you but others will also help you deal with your thoughts.

How to Go Live with Close Friends on Instagram?

With the advancement of technology, Instagram keeps bringing new features to its account. It has currently launched a feature by which you can now get life with close friends. To do so follow the steps mentioned below: 

  • Go to your profile page and tap on the + icon to get multiple options. Select the live option and get the camera on your screen. 
  • Below the screen, there will be a dropdown menu to choose whether you want to start the life for followers or only close friends. Select the close friend’s option to start living with them only.
  • You are all set to go live for only the close friends.

Also, read What does Inquire Mean on Instagram?


Instagram has a lot of features where you can post content about your daily life. Since we have many friends on Instagram, not all pictures and videos can be shared with everyone. Therefore, Instagram provides a special feature called CFS that helps keep things private. CFS stands for Close Friends Story, which allows you to share your story with a limited audience. 

If you want to use it, the first step is to create a Close Friends list. To do so, navigate to your profile settings and look for the Close Friends option to create a list. With this feature, you can share different types of content, including sensitive or personal information, or even funny and embarrassing stories.


Can You Have a Live with Close Friends?

Yes, Instagram has recently launched a feature by which you can have a live with close friends.

Can You Have Multiple Different Close Friends Lists on Instagram?

Unfortunately no. You cannot create multiple close friends lists on Instagram. 

How Many Close Friends can You have on Instagram? 

Surprisingly there is no limit to adding close friends to your Instagram account. 

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